The commitment of Gen Verde and Gen Rosso during the quarantine
Since the quarantine began, time has begun to flow slowly for everyone. Nobody expected that we would have to stay home for so long from one day to the next and this did not make things easy for anyone.
However, there are those who made themselves available from the first moment to bring joy and tranquility to people’s homes. They did it by sharing their talents through technology, which in recent months has allowed us to feel closer despite the distance.
Among these are Gen Verde and Gen Rosso, who immediately took action trying to find a way to ease the situation through music, the type of music that tells of joy and hope, of rebirths.
In March, a series of events began in which, each week, the two groups performed dances and songs for about an hour; everything was broadcast via streaming, on Wednesday for Gen Rosso and on Friday for Gen Verde.
Not only have the two groups “entered people’s homes”, they have reached the heart of each individual participant. Young people, adults and children from all over the world were always present to express their gratitude to the members of the two groups, thanking them for dedicating time and effort to make those who needed it feel better.
We have now reached the end of this series of events but the music of Gen Verde and Gen Rosso continues. Both groups have already gone to work, waiting to be able to play live again.
In the meantime, you can continue listening, or even playing their music by purchasing CDs, vinyls and scores