The project took off: in Loppiano, the production of Certified Disposable Surgical Masks, MasCare, was started.
Let’s make a summary of the previous episodes … It all started during the lockdown when, in March, the Tuscany Region had proposed to some companies in the citadel to produce 100,000 masks by the end of April, to respond to the huge demand triggered by the pandemic . A providential proposal because, as explained by the citadel: “Our companies, already at the end of February, with the global crisis triggered by the epidemic, had suffered a sharp drop in commissions. When there was the lockdown, the problem became: what do we live on? What work is there? Thus, we set ourselves the problem of doing something that also had an implication for the common good ».
Fantasy, a company that has been manufacturing textile products for children since 1965 and for “third parties Loppiano”, which carries out productions in the field of packaging, packaging and finishing on behalf of third parties, are started in the production of masks. “In the meantime – explain Luisa Colombo and Marco Barlucchi, project managers – we have started a process of dialogue, discernment and collaboration with the formation schools, especially those of the gen (Ed: they are the young people of the Focolare) and the focolarini, finding in them a profound motivation. Together, we took the risk: a story was beginning whose ending we did not know but which we knew how to contribute to the common good ».
From what comes what
In the meantime, other questions have arisen: how to continue? “At a certain point, it was clear that the consequences on the habits brought by the virus would last for at least two years … – explains Luisa Colombo – so, we networked and compared with other operators in the world of Non-profit, with whom we shared similar problems. Everyone shared what they knew ». Marco Barlucchi enters: “And in the end, we went from the idea of receiving masks to producing them, from a communion of goods in masks to a communion of goods in the production of masks: from fish to fishing rod”. The project, which started in a phase of maximum emergency as a response to an urgent and immediate need and as a job opportunity for the citadel, has aroused interest and attention from many parts, triggering global sharing and collaboration: in Taiwan someone took care of identify the production line, others in Asia have supported the necessary investment, many – from closer – have provided information, suggestions, sharing talents, knowledge, time, work … At the same time the study of the product begins, which must be economical and quality. At the end of July, the machines arrive and, thanks to the passionate and free work of many technicians and engineers, testing takes place.
MasCare, supportive masks
Now, the certification has also arrived and the production of Certified Disposable Surgical Masks is finally started and, when fully operational, it is able to produce 50,000 masks per day.
“We have called this line” MasCare “, because at the basis of all our actions there is always attention to the other (Ed:” Care “, means” care in English “). This new business fits into a perspective that has already begun to produce items for the well-being of the person and which we have called Loppianocares “explain Marco and Luisa.
MasCare is entirely produced in the Fantasy laboratories and is on sale to the public on the citadel marketplace: www.madeinloppiano.it. Interested distributors, on the other hand, can contact Fantasy directly: infomascare@fantasyloppiano.it.
By choosing MasCare masks, you not only contribute to the sustenance and training of many young people and families who come to Loppiano to live an experience of fraternity, but you also participate in an international solidarity project. Fantasy supports the “Economy of Communion” (EoC) project: 800 companies around the world promote the “culture of giving” by sharing profits with the poor and training. In addition, for every 1000 masks sold, Fantasy donates 1 euro to the project of AMU (Action for a united world onlus) “Esperanza Ecuador”, to raise the population of the Esmeraldas Province, one of the poorest in the country, from the economic crisis caused by Covid.
SOURCE: www.loppiano.it