Great success in Brazil for Centro Ave Ceramica

Great success in Brazil for Centro Ave Ceramica
Last November the Ave Ceramica Center visited the city of Guaratinguetá, Sao Paulo. There is the Fazenda da Esperança, with the third largest sanctuary of the Archdiocese of Aparecida, which inaugurated the chapel in those days.
For the occasion, a statue of the Madonna was created, a creation inspired by the words of Pope Francis who invites the Church to be outgoing.
“Going out” and going beyond our limits is not always easy, as is the case for the container carrying the work that was blocked at the port for a few days. Despite the complications, thanks also to the founder of the Fazenda da Esperança, the Madonna “In Uscita” managed to reach her destination.
It was inaugurated during the “Festa Familia da Esperança” in front of around 3000 people. Welcomed with great love and enthusiasm, the representation of the Ave Ceramica Center presents the creation testifying the commitment and devotion characteristic of their work.
Another 400 smaller Madonna were commissioned, currently present in the bookshop.
You can find them on sale on the Made in Loppiano portal.