- Post author By Liliana Frontela
- Post date 4 April 2022

The art of starting over
What does it mean to start over? Dictionaries will say things like “start from beginning” or “resume an interrupted activity”. If we ask, however, how to start over, we will have to go beyond definitions, because starting over is, indeed, an action, an attitude, and a purpose. It is, we dare to say, an art. And like all arts, you can learn the art of starting over. The only talent required is to want to learn it. And this we can all have.
We therefore offer you some elements that can help you experience the art of starting over. They are clues that help us to move forward, not to remain firm in our attitudes. Above all, they are elements of social transformation, because if one learns to start over, the surrounding reality changes, sometimes without realizing it. And when he realizes it, that transformation is already underway.
Here are some elements of the art of starting over:
Reflect on your own actions / attitudes
Everyone, whenever, make mistakes. Or we are misunderstood by another. Or we go astray. But it is also true that we all can reflect on our own actions and attitudes. “Why was I wrong?”, we can ask ourselves. Or: “Why have I not been understood?”. Again: “What can I do to avoid falling into the same mistake?”. These are some questions that can help us improve ourselves in relation to others and the environment in which we are inserted. So, when faced with a mistake made, let’s not stop, but reflect on it in order to grow as a person.

Forgive / Apologize
This element of the art of starting over is quite connected to the previous one. The art of forgiveness helps us to know how to start over. Forgiveness is not so much forgetting an offense that one suffers as understanding that we are all capable of doing harm (small or large) to someone else and that we are also capable of recognizing that the other is not his mistake but a gift to us. It is an act of humility that brings peace to our hearts. For the same reasons, knowing how to apologize when we offend someone else is also an element of the art of starting over.
Sometimes the thing that makes us stay stopped seems to us to be so big that it can even block us. And we understand that alone we will not be able to start over. Therefore, sharing this stress with someone we trust can help us move forward. If the situation becomes serious to the point of not being able to unblock and start over, don’t even rule out the possibility of professional psychological help.

Aim for a goal
Having a goal to reach is an element of the art of starting over. Not losing sight of the point of arrival can help us get back up after each fall. And if we have with whom to share the path to the desired goal, the better it is, because strength and commitment are shared, and one becomes the support of the other. One helps the other to get up after each fall. And starting over becomes easier.