Gen Verde
CD – Il Mistero Pasquale
€25.00 IVA inclusa
A double CD with 22 unreleased tracks, considered a true masterpiece.
An album conceived and divided into three parts, each dedicated to a specific moment of the Easter triduum: the last supper on Holy Thursday, the passion on Friday, the Holy Night Vigil.
A poetic and musical work on the “pillars” of Holy Week. An instrument at the service of liturgical assemblies, the result of a work of ideation and composition spanning at least two years, enriched in its phases by the theological and musical contribution of Msgr. PierAngelo Sequeri, both for the bearing architectures of the whole and for the profound theological and spiritual core of each passage, of each gesture and moment.
The “execution guide” includes the scores and lyrics of the music of the CD of the same name. From the preface by Msgr. PierAngelo Sequeri: “The seed thrown by Chiara Lubich, in the wake of Christian musical commitment, has accompanied generations in the discovery of the jubilus of faith.
“He made buds of prayer and communion flourish, teaching the simple and profound path of mutual edification with ‘hymns and songs’ (Col 3:16) “.
“… Music and words of a happily shared experience of faith: that wishes to restore affection to the liturgy of the Church, from which it was originally nourished.”
(PierAngelo Sequeri)
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