Crucifix, bearer of new life or Naophorus, bearer of gifts?
This is the genius of the art from recycling by Ciro, Roberto Cipollone:
- On the one hand, his objects with recycled materials are as if they give a new life to what has been discarded.
- On the other hand, his works integrate the meanings of symbols from various cultural circles, now forgotten.
The Naophorus in Egyptian culture is seen as the bearer of gifts.
In Ciro’s Naoforo, Roberto Cipollone, one can glimpse Crito Crocifisso.
In Christian culture, the Western one, various explanations can be given to the symbol of the raised hands:
- the surrender symbol
- the symbol of supplication
- the symbol of gratitude
- the symbol of praise
- but also the original symbol of the naophorus himself, that of giving a gift, in this case of life.
The body of the Naophorus (or Christ Crucified) is made of a piece of wood that was once part of a wine barrel.
The eucalyptus seed that is found in the place of the heart, and therefore at the centre of life, of the Naophorus (or Christ Crucified) is the symbol of rebirth. Eucalyptus is one of the symbols of Australia. However, few know a particular feature of this plant: it catches fire on its own! Because? To be reborn! The eucalyptus seeds are covered with a resin that protects them from fire. The seeds open in the heat after the plant is burned. What is inside the seeds in the ash finds the essential nourishment to be reborn and grow.
Naophorus – bearer of the gifts.
Christ Crucified – the bearer of a new life.