a Happy Easter!

a Happy Easter!
Sunday 12 April this year will be Easter, a day awaited by many. In fact, Easter is celebrated on the resurrection of Jesus making it one of the most important celebrations for Christians.
It is also a regular appointment to reunite the family and celebrate together. It is a special day in which the rebirth is celebrated, being able to go beyond and above all the possibility of forgiving and being forgiven.
This year we will experience a very special Easter; it will not be possible to participate in church celebrations or to bring families together. It is most certainly a physical limitation. Maybe hugging will not be possible but we have already shown that we are one body with one heart; we are far away but we can defeat this distance thanks to the love of those around us.
On this very special day we have the opportunity to let those around us know how important it is for us. A message or a phone call is enough to make someone happy, what matters is to put our hearts into it.
We at Made in Loppiano are also keen to let you know that we are with you. We wish you to spend a joyful Easter, full of peace and happiness; that it is an opportunity for all of us to be reborn.