- Post author By Liliana Frontela
- Post date 22 April 2022

Made in Loppiano and The World Earth Day

The World Earth Day
Today is the Earth Day, the green event that manages to involve the largest number of people in the world. It has been celebrated for more than 50 years with the aim of raising awareness of our environmental consciences.
Since the creation of the world, men have been given the earth, nature “and all that is in it” to keep it and make it bear fruit. Man has become responsible for a harmonious management of the resources of nature, of which he is neither master nor creator. Instead, he is a sort of temporary “collaborator” or “administrator” to whom natural resources are entrusted. Taking care of nature is taking care of ourselves because, this detail constantly escapes us, we too are nature.
What can we all do?
Reduce the impact of waste on the environment by correctly differentiating it.
Recycle to give new life to waste.
Reuse to maximize the life cycle of a product.

What do we do?
Ciro, creatively teaches us “the art of recycling”. The inspiration of his works is found in the discarded objects, because: discarded objects have the vocation of transforming themselves into something else… The artist wants to give them continuity over time, once their usefulness seems to have disappeared.
Fantasy Loppiano collaborates on a project in which the leftover fabrics left over from the production of tapestries are transformed into puppets, decorative design objects. In addition, the doorstops of Fantasy Loppiano are the result of a creative elaboration of the cuttings left over from the production of the sheets.
For Centro Ave Ceramica it is nothing extraordinary that nothing is lost in their production, “they are the benefits of working with earth and water”, all the material can be reused before it is placed in the kiln.
All the wine production of Fattoria Loppiano 4.0 respects nature by avoiding the use of substances that are harmful to the soil and the vineyards.
The contribution of Gen Rosso for World Earth Day, a Mother Earth song, a prayer of forgiveness and commitment to preserve our earth as it was created …
Gen Verde too, sharing the concern for the environment of the youngest, with the song Turn Around, invites us to look reality in the face, but also to contemplate the beauty of the earth.
We leave with a message of hope: TURN AROUND. We can start. It is not too late.