Dare to care – dare to care is the slogan of United World Project’s Pathway 2020/2021 campaign. For a year we have tried to put the paradigm of ‘care’ at the center of life. We have committed ourselves to make ourselves closer to the most fragile, to the planet, to the institutions, to our city, to those around us. From May 1 to 9 will take place the United World Week that concludes the journey made.

What is Loppiano doing this week?

Loppiano dares to go through the night!

With two concerts that will make Gen Verde and Gen Rosso we will all be looking for the hope that is the indispensable resource to build together the foundations of a healthier and more fraternal society.

May 1, 9pm (UTC+2, Italian time) with the new concert “A time for change”, Gen Verde International Performing Arts Group will open the United World Week. The concert can be followed on the official Youtube channel of Gen Verde.

May 8, 9pm (UTC+2, Italian time) Gen Rosso will launch a concert entirely dedicated to United World Week. To follow the concert enter their official Youtube channel.

See you soon!