- Post author By Liliana Frontela
- Post date 30 June 2022

Let's slow down!
Gratitude, serenity and attention to others during the holidays!
Now that the holidays begin we want to say: LET’S SLOW DOWN! (Italian: RALLENTIAMO)
We are not the first to make this invitation (watch this video from minute 48)! So let’s slow down SLOWLY and with the LENS (in Italian it’s a linguistic game: the word RALLENTIAMO contents both SLOWLY as LENS)
Slowly – because we all need to live the present moment better!
Lens – because we all need to see big what is small!
Going slowly, you see better and consequently gratitude for small things comes more spontaneously, as well as serenity even in the midst of the chaos in which we are all immersed and attention to others and to oneself.

Serenity in the midst of chaos?
One who went slowly and looked carefully at every detail of reality was Mary. Nothing escaped her! He filled her daily chores with gestures and words, all imbued with delicacy and decision, fidelity and perseverance, never covering with herself the greatness of her Son.
Click on MARY VERGIN ART and be inspired by the Made in Loppiano creations – they can be an excellent gift idea for various important occasions during these months.
Serenity in the midst of chaos?
One who went slowly and looked carefully at every detail of reality was Mary. Nothing escaped her! He filled her daily chores with gestures and words, all imbued with delicacy and decision, fidelity and perseverance, never covering with herself the greatness of her Son.
Click on MARY VERGIN ART and be inspired by the Made in Loppiano creations – they can be an excellent gift idea for various important occasions during these months.

Attention to the other?
In this period, we highlight some of Ciro’s boats. Each boat has an anchor without which it cannot be stopped. The anchor is the symbol of stability and hope. Stability and hope are the needs of the three Ukrainian families (14 people) housed in Loppiano for three months now. 50% of the incomes obtained from the sale of Ciro’s boats will be dedicated to supporting these families.
Click on CIRO BOATS and help us to help!
“Slow” and “attentive” greetings from Loppiano!