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How to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

The party of relationship

Here comes Valentine’s. Love is a keyword. In fact, it is a key-feeling. But if traditionally February 14 is a party dedicated to lovers because Saint Valentine is their protector, love goes far beyond, and we all certainly have something to celebrate on Valentine’s Day.

Love is present in friendship. It is present at home, in family. And even in simple loving the other. In every good relationship.

Valentine’s, hence, is to celebrate the relationships.

It is to celebrate the joy of being together.

After two years of a pandemic that made us realize even more the importance of being close to each other, Valentine’s helps us to remember and renew the value of every single relationship. Without neglecting the measures against Covid-19, it is possible to take care of the other and of yourself. There are no limits to relate with each other.

How to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

We present you some ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day, with your partner, friends, or family. There is no need of big things to make the other happy, but also a simple gesture can express nearness, cordiality, and friendship.

  1. Why not enjoy the occasion to call that dear person that you don’t hear for a long time? Being updated of each other’s life can be that opportunity of having a pleasant moment with a distant friend.
  2. Cook a nice dinner. The moments at table are always great possibilities of being together with whom you love. A meal made with delicacy and love (also together with someone else) can make pleasant memories to everyone involved.
  3. Organize a game night. A relaxing, recreational, and fun moment can renew and reinforce relationships.
  4. Give a gift to someone who you love. A gift can be a source of great joy to those who give and to those who receive it. The value of friendship and loving, for example, you can find in several products at Made in Loppiano.