- Post author By Liliana Frontela
- Post date 18 May 2022
How to build a house?
“Have you dreamed that someone gave you a house?
But you came back from the gates…
Because of someone who shout:
“Whoever wants a home, he has to build it himself!”
(words of the song “Śniłeś”, IncarNations)
House or Home?
In Italian we use the same word to describe two realities. In English the question is much more clearer!
The house is a structure, a habitable building that houses people or families. Nobody would like to spend the night in the rain and therefore the HOUSE is necessary for a simple matter of survival!
Home as a place of relationships, embraces the concept of family, therefore a more affective meaning. A living context to which we feel we belong. It is the shell that protects us, in which we can find rest.
Linguistic clarifications made, let's find out the steps to build both the HOUSE and the HOME…
- Choice of the designer
- Design
- Scelta del terreno edificabile
È importante essere sicuri che il terreno su cui verrà realizzata la casa (sia la HOUSE che la HOME) sia idoneo. Nel Vangelo si raccomanda di costruire sulla roccia, in modo che le avversità del clima (e della vita), non la facciano crollare, e questo non è a caso, bisogna proprio capire la conformazione del sottosuolo, la sua pericolosità per decidere come andare avanti.
- Presentation of practices in the Municipality
- Soil preparation / excavation work
- Construction and finishing
Sure! Someone might even give the House to you … But the Home will have to build it yourself!