Atelier Hung Azur Loppiano brand Centro Ave Ceramica Gen Verde La Bottega di Ciro Loppiano Cares & friends magazine

inside outside!

Peace and harmony at home, safety outside the home!

Does the pandemic not give up? We do not give up either! We continue to take care of you and of the other!
There are various reasons why we stay at home for a long time during this period: the cold, the dark, the quarantines in progress… the warmth of the house becomes, therefore, essential to feel at ease. To furnish your home in a harmonious way we offer the handcrafted wooden products of Azur Loppiano, the ceramic decorations of Centro Ave Ceramica, or the original compositions of the Bottega di Ciro.
From the inside outside! Are we comfortable inside our house? Then let’s go outside!
With FFP2 and surgical masks entirely produced and certified in Italy, we guarantee safety in all the daily situations that necessarily require it: on means of transport, at work, at school, when we go shopping or during meetings with many people. in the theater, at the cinema or at a concert … Everywhere!
Vittoria ffp2 mask Made in Loppiano
The pandemic does not give up! We do not give up either!