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Updates from Gen Verde

Updates from Gen Verde

Unforgettable moments on the Andalusian tour, as intense as the people here.

First stop, Granada, with the Start Now Project: a hundred enthusiastic young people from various schools, all with the desire to work together, face the challenges of team work by really going “From the Inside Outside”.

The show was “Entradas agotadas” (sold out) days before the concert, which was met with an explosion of joy.

The soul of those days became “intergenerational collaboration for the good of society”.

Some echo: “Risking and overcoming shame in doing new things, we can find many goals and find beautiful things.” “We take away trust in people we don’t know” “Maybe sad things happen, but you remember that you cheered someone up with a simple gesture”. “We liked loving the other as he is, with his defects and his good things.”

Here we are in Huétor Tajar, Chauchina and Cijuela, with the joy of finding ourselves truly at home. The programs are designed for each place in a particular way: meetings and dialogue with young people from various schools, the animation of various Masses with singing, meetings with long-time friends, as in the family.

And finally Jaén; also here Gen Verde Acoustic was met with “entradas agotadas”. An attentive audience, with contagious joy and participation, a true giving and receiving. “Gen Verde made us vibrate”; “An intimate concert, full of life, complete.”

Profound moments with the EscuchArte group, friends with whom we worked and animated the celebration for their tenth anniversary together.

Andalusia, nos despedimos! But other adventures in the corazòn of Spain await us.