Let us prepare together to live 31 days of emotions

Let us prepare together to live 31 days of emotions
December is full of recurrences. These include the winter solstice, the transition from autumn to winter, which this year coincides with December 22nd.
The winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. From the solstice onwards, the “power” of the sun, represented by its glow, will start to grow again.
For ancient peoples it marked the return of light, and this gave rise to feasts and rituals related to the sun and the deities connected to it. In the Christian liturgy this tradition was resumed in the feast of Saint Lucia, December 13, considered a bringer of light.
Another important holiday of this month is that of the Sol Invictus, formerly celebrated on December 25th, which inspired the Christian Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus, hailed as “the one who created the Sun” or “Sun of justice” .
Anche Made in Loppiano vivrà il calore e la magia di dicembre insieme a Fantasy, Ceramica Centro Ave, Fattoria Loppiano e Centro Ave Arte!