- Post author By Liliana Frontela
- Post date 24 August 2022

In this article
So let’s list four proposals that could be helpful for those who would like to “slow down” their lifestyle:
Quickly slow
Cultures of speed VS cultures of slowness
Time sickness: along with the times, we tighten the times to keep pace with the changing times… Just to read, this sentence makes your head spin. While, probably, without realizing it, we have immersed ourselves in the culture of speed in which the linear vision of time prevails over the circular one, making so that everything runs to reach aim that does not exist …
For now it still sounds very abstract. But if we think about the day of each of us, we can easily notice our small or large anxieties related to waiting moments. A bathroom occupied in the morning by another family member, the toaster that does not do its job effectively, the red light on the street, at work or at school with your children… You could go on listing indefinitely! We are constantly in a hurry because, after what we are doing there is a cascade of other things to do… We have the desire to slow down, but we would like to do it quickly.
So let’s list four proposals that could be helpful for those who would like to “slow down” their lifestyle:
1. Slow food (which is not only non-fast food)
It is a large international non-profit association, but it is also a lifestyle, in which we are committed to giving the right value to food. All in respect of the producers, in harmony with the environment and ecosystems, thanks to the knowledge of which territories and local traditions are guardians. Slow Food promotes good, clean and fair nutrition for everyone.
You too, in your daily choices, try to look for products made at kilometer 0, as less elaborate as possible, give yourself time to cook and eat, enjoy, make room for those who eat with you.

4. Slow thinking
It’s true, our brain is capable of doing millions of operations at the same time. It is capable of rapid, almost digital actions, but it also needs spaces in which it can think slowly, it can reason… Only in slow processes is it possible to grasp the depth of thought: creativity is awakened, known elements are connected, one acquires the systematicity in solving problems, the events of every day, travels, meetings are better “digested” …
Take your time to think slowly.

2. Slow medicine
Conventional medicine is the one that manages to “plug the holes”, knows how to relieve pain but does not always manage to go deep to look for its causes. One of the first practitioners of slow medicine sees the patient in the metaphor of a plant that needs to be nourished and to remove the impediments to allow it to heal.
You too, try to nourish yourself well (give you the right balance between what your body can give and what your body must receive) and to understand if there are any impediments that you can remove to feel better.
Take the time to heal yourself slowly.

3. Slow city
A subway that takes you from one part of the city to the other in 20 minutes, of course, is comfortable and fast. There are, however, circumstances in which it is not necessary to use public transport or a car. Sometimes it is also okay to take a bicycle or go on foot. Especially when the distance does not exceed 30 minutes of toll. A walk is good for both the body and the mind.
Take your time even for slow commutes, and sometimes sit on the benches in the park you pass every day in order to get to work.
Slow thinking
It’s true, our brain is capable of doing millions of operations at the same time. It is capable of rapid, almost digital actions, but it also needs spaces in which it can think slowly, it can reason… Only in slow processes is it possible to grasp the depth of thought: creativity is awakened, known elements are connected, one acquires the systematicity in solving problems, the events of every day, travels, meetings are better “digested” …
Take your time to think slowly.
- Tags family, hollydays, Made in Loppiano, slow down, summer