LET’S RESTART! Let's set out towards Easter 2022!

camminare loppiano piedi verde primavera
Optimism – a word that we have to weigh and measure before we pronounce it in times like these. Hope – the word whose true meaning we must perhaps discover. Just to not to fall into artificial optimism, but at the same time not to allow ourselves to be defeated by the difficulties we face every day, here is an invitation that we make to you to ourselves: let’s set out towards Easter! Discovering hope!
What does Easter mean?
Easter (from the Greek pascha, from the Aramaic pasah) means to go beyond. The difference between optimism and hope lies in knowing how to go beyond. Nothing, however, happens from one moment to another. That’s why we need to set out in a journey. The journey is tiredness, but it is also satisfaction after having overcome a certain distance. The journey is solitude, but it is also welcome after reaching the point of arrival. On the way, sometimes we go up, sometimes we go down, we stumble, and we get up again. You can experience hunger along the way, and then appreciate more what we take for granted every day. You can experience the insecurity of where to go, and then feel relief as you approach your destination. The journey teaches patience: we are never arrived, but it is never too late to leave again, to restart.
RIPARTIAMO! Mettiamoci in cammino verso la Pasqua 2022!
Easter as a restart? What does it concretely consist of?
There could probably be various ideas of how to prepare for Easter. The aspect that we want to emphasize is that of the value of the art of starting again, of restarting, which we then want to decline in various ways:
  • together we want to recharge our energies with some pieces of music that speak of life and hope
  • with some handcrafted pieces that recall spring we want to make our homes bloom again
  • with the crucifixes of Made in Loppiano we want to remember what is really important!
LET’S RESTART! Let’s set out towards Easter! Come you too?